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University News

New Western University and KUBG University Forge Landmark Cooperation Agreement

Mar 13, 2024

Kyiv, Ukraine — In a meeting of historic significance, Dr. Kevin, the President of New Western University, engaged in profound discussions with Ms. Liliia Hrynevych, the First Vice-Rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University (KUBG) and former Minister of Education of Ukraine. The dialogue centered on the future collaborative directions and the joint educational courses between New Western University and KUBG University, culminating in a definitive cooperation plan.

This fruitful engagement explored the potential for collaboration between New Western University and KUBG University, aligning on the development of joint educational programs. In a gesture that deepens this partnership and supports academic advancement on both sides, New Western University announced the provision of three full scholarship slots for KUBG students to partake in the MBA Risk Management program at New Western University in the United States.

This collaboration not only signifies the close ties between New Western University and KUBG University but also reflects a mutual commitment to educational innovation and international cooperation. These full scholarships will offer KUBG students the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in risk management on an international platform, fostering cross-cultural exchanges and academic collaborations.

Ms. Liliia Hrynevych expressed that this cooperation provides KUBG's students and faculty with invaluable international learning opportunities, significantly impacting the institution's educational quality and global reputation. Dr. Kevin emphasized that this partnership underscores New Western University's dedication to supporting the development of education in Ukraine and expanding the horizons of international education.

As this cooperation agreement comes into effect, New Western University and KUBG University look forward to creating more educational miracles together, opening doors to knowledge and opportunities for students.

For more information about KUBG University, please visit:

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